Online Discography

Nimbus 14,5cm
Nimbus 17,5cm



Please note: This is a discographical catalog - items are NOT available for sale from us

This was a cheap label produced by Clausophon in only two diameters, 14,5cm and 17,5cm. They used material obtained from British Imperial Junior as well as their own material, while maintaining the original calaog numers in  a 1000- to 2000- series. It is not presently known how the discs were distributed, perhaps in department stores, since the mark-up (profit margin) was too small for retailers. The Nimbus record was to be used on toy gramophones, and for picknicks. The label had a short life time, from about 1926 to 1927.

"Nimbus" is latin for halo, or aureole, a symbol for holiness and power. All labels are of the same design. The label name is shown in an inverted or concave baseline, above which is a capital "N" from which rays seem to emanate.  Due to the cheap print there are plenty of colour shades for the basically blue label - from light ultramarine to almost black.

Tentative Nimbus discography. There are huge blanks. Please get in touch when you can add.

Acknowledgements: Christoph Gottschalch (Hamburg), Bernd-Meyer-Rähnitz (Radebeul), Armin Nassauer (Siegen), Markus Schnellbach (Karlsruhe)

Nimbus label  


If you have additions or corrections: Please contact us by e-mail: Rainer E. Lotz
UPDATE: 21.12.2014

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Rainer E. Lotz
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E-Mail: Rainer E. Lotz